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[[image - drawing of the logo of the Early Birds]]

[[preprinted]] THE EARLY BIRDS [[/preprinted]]

Secretary's Office
148 S. Westgate Ave.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90049

August 14, 1968

To Members of the
Early Birds of Aviation

Dear Early Bird:

Last Friday morning Carl Batta and I were going over some last minutes revisions of your President's letter to the membership, when we received a phone call from Charles F. West in Oakland, California to inform us that Stanley Hiller had passed away in the hospital Thursday night, August 8th. Naturally, we were so shocked we hardly knew what to say. Charles West assured us that he had talked the situation over with Mrs. Hiller as well as with the other members of the Reunion Committee, and all are in favor of going ahead with the Reunion plans as a special tribute to Stanley.

A memorial service was held in the Hiller home in Oakland on Tuesday at 4:30 P.M. and was attended by the San Francisco Bay Area Early Birds who were physically able to be there. More data about this and a suitable obituary will appear in the next issue of CHIRP. Paul Garber, who was elected First Vice-president at the last annual meeting in Miami Beach, is now your President.

Since Stanley Hiller had already written his letter to the membership, it seems appropriate to quote it to you. And so, omitting quotation marks, it follows:


Dear Fellow Early Birds:

The date and place for our Annual Reunion has been set. It will be held in Oakland, California, at the Claremont Hotel, from October 10th to 13th. The 10th will be registration and the gathering of the clan. Rooms at the Claremont will be available for you at the following special prices;-
Singles - $10 to $18
Doubles and twins - $14 to $22
Suites - $25 one bedroom; $45 two bedrooms.
The reason for having the Reunion in Oakland rather than San Francisco is that the San Francisco streets are very torn up now as they are building a subway for the Bay Area Rapid Transit System. The noise and confusion is not best for our gathering. The Claremont, a luxury hotel in an ideal setting, is only 20 minutes from downtown San Francisco.