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by buggies, wagons and vehicles on every sort from the surrounding country, on foot and by horseback, by automobile and special train from all nearby towns, the throng came and grew and increased until by the time the parade began to move at 11 o'clock every single available square foot of standing room on the sidewalk and a major portion of the street was at a premium. Main avenue and Broad street were one congested surging sea of humanity. The crowd has been variously estimated at from 25,000 to 30,0000. But on all sides it is generally conceded to have been the largest crowd ever entertained within the gates of Gastonia.

 [[pencil underline]]STUDENSKY FLIES. [[/pencil underline]]

The premier attraction of the day was of course the airship flights in a Curtiss biplane by Mr. Paul Studensky, the first of which was staged for 10 o'clock. Owing to the excitement attendant upon the parade and the numerous incidentals connected therewith, not as many witnessed the morning performance as did the afternoon seance, or rather strictly speaking, rising. Owing to a slight contrariness on the part of the engine, Studensky did not venture, in his morning flight, to make the trip over the business part of town. But in the afternoon he fully redeemed himself and gave one of the most beautiful and successful flights ever witnessed in North Carolina. Anticipating the events, just a little, the second flight was scheduled to take place just after the sham battle.

To Lineberger field in the extreme south-eastern part of town the eager crowd turned about 4 o'clock. On account of a serious mishap to one of the cylinders of the 75-horsepower engine, a delay of over two hours ensued and it was a few minutes past six o'clock when Studensky took his rise. As many people expressed it, the trip to Gastonia was worth as
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[[caption]] MAYOR T. L. CRAIG 
To whose efforts was due in no small degree the wonderful success of yesterday's celebration. [[/caption]]

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conditions, as expressed by him, that were not the most favorable, he made the airship flights the most attractive feature of the day's program and contributed in large measure toward the success of the celebration.


One of the biggest and best features of the day was the parade, consisting of about one hundred floats, automobiles, etc.  It formed on the east side of South Broad street, starting at 11:15 a. m., soon after the first aeroplane flight.  The order was as follows:  Mounted policemen, chief marshals and assistant chiefs, Battalion of North Carolina National Guards including Troop A Cavalry, of Lincolnton; fraternal orders, Clara Band, school floats, Farmer's Union Band, commercial floats, Bessemer Band, automobiles.  The route was from Broad to Main, up Main to Loray, Loray to Franklin avenue to South street.  The reviewing stand, in which were seated the judges, the mayors of neighboring towns and a few other guests of the town, was located in front of the Realty building on Main avenue.  So difficult was it for the committee to select the prize winners from the large number of beautifully decorated floats that quite a number of the best ones were asked to stand a second time before the discisions could be reached.

The prizes were awarded as follows:  School float to the Loray Mill school, mill float to the Modena Mill, commercial float to the Gastonia Hardware Co.  No prize was offered for the best decorated automobile from Gastonia but the judges voted the Gastonia Garage the honor of having the best decorated auto in the parade.  The handsome $50 silver loving cup offered for the best decorated automobile from out-of-town was not awarded as there was no competition whatever for it.  Lack of space renders it impossible to give
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of spectators sat and stood and sweltered in the scorching rays from the hottest of mid-day suns, awaiting the opening fire.  When once begun, however, the fight was interesting and the rattle of musketry, the commands of the officers, the clarion notes of the bugle and the ensuing charge of the soldier boys across hill and valley straight into the face of a most appalling and withering volley of death dealing imaginary bullets from the enemy lying hidden and entrenched, 'twas all very realistic.  Which side won is as yet problematical.  However, it is immaterial.  The crowd was amused and interested and that was sufficient.


The baseball game in the afternoon between the McAdenville team of the Gaston county league and the Southern Power Company team of Charlotte was won by the former by the score of 6 to 2. There were no spectacular features.

Echoes of the Fourth.

Beginning with Wednesday morning the holiday spirit got possession of Gastonians.  A few eager merchants had been busy decorating stores and places of business Monday and Tuesday, but the majority postponed the work till Wednesday.  During the day the streets and stores were gradually transformed into a bewildering display of bunting, flags and streamers.  From Flaming banners flung across the streets, from draping festoons hung gracefully over entrances and doorways, from flags jauntily waving from every available nook and cranny "Old Glory" flamed to the breezes, interspersed with banners and descriptions bearing the words "Welcome" and "Gastonia, July 4th."  Their ardor and enthusiasm not dampened in the least by the few spattering rain-drops that fell throughout the morning, vivacious proprietors vied with each other in friendly rivalry in their efforts to put forth the most attractive display.  Thousands of yards of bunting, drapery and festoons were used.  Not to be outdone, the venders and proprietors of lunch stands, cold drink dispensers and ham sandwich slicers, without much ado were at work early and late and by nightfall "Central Park" was lined, on its outer edges facing Main avenue and South street, with stands, shelters and booths of every imaginable description.

Canvas covered, pine top thatched and plank boarded, open on every side, four-square to all the winds they stood, a varigated display of architectural design.  By twilight they were being filled with all manner of eatables and drinkables, bananas, loaves of bread, whole hams, peanuts, candies and confections, lemons, the fatigue destroying "dope," ginger ale, etc., the owners and proprietors thereof preparing to spend a nightly vigil over their wares.

Every incoming train throughout the day unloaded its burden of human freight to Gastonia, on pleasure bent.  By nightfall the streets were one moving, seething mass of humanity, good humored and mirthful in their merry making.  The iridescent flash of the hundreds of incandescent lights, the inspiring thrill from the sight of the "Stars and Stripes" every where in evidence, mingled with 
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own standard of measurement and no two can exactly agree.

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One of the most amusing incidents connected with the whole celebration happened at the aviation field late yesterday afternoon.  The crowd, morbid and curious kept pressing closer and closer, upon the mechanicians as they were straining every effort to put the airship in readiness for the flight.  Policemen and special officers put the men back time and again, but it was only for a few moments.  Each time the eager crowd edged up closer and closer, only to be driven back again.  Finally when everything was in readiness and Studensky had taken his seat the throng was pushed back again.  Several overly interested spectators not content with a long distance view crowded up around the rear to take one look at close range before the flight.  The field in front of the ship was clear, every one realizing the necessity of getting out of the way when it started.  Not many looked from danger from the rear, but when the engine was started the air and smoke shot out from the exhaust pipe with terrific force.  Hats were blown away, great holes were torn into the hard earth by the force of the air-current, eyes, mouths and noses were filled with choking blinding dust and in one instance a man's coat was wholly ripped from his back.  The policemen were partly ineffectual but this kept the crowd back until the flight was started.

"The cold gray dawn of the morning after"——'tis applicable to men and things in Gastonia to-day.  On the streets you see men hitherto wide-awake, active and bright-eyed, going their rounds to-day with slow and listless step, dull and heavy eyes, throbbing headaches and a general feeling of lassitude.  It is the aftermath of the Fourth and "everybody's feeling it" to-day.  After last night's gay scene of carnival and meery-making men, women and children are thoroughly done for.

The decorations are soiled and bedraggled, the streets and sidewalks are littered with confetti, banana peelings and every imaginable sort of trash.  The park where the stands were located gives signs of former activity.  In the meantime, stores and residences are being dismantled and stripped of their bedraggled glory.  Throughout the whole town there pervades the spirit of the "morning after".

The pure-bred animal, bred and fed for a special purpose, excels the scrub or grade, as a class, in the quality and value of his products and excels so far that the feed and care given him bring a much higher price.  This is all, but it is enough.  There should be no question of the wisdom of giving our feed to the pure-bred animal when the superior quality of his products will enable us to obtain from 25 to 100 per cent more.  The claim that the pure-bred will make more pounds of gain on a given quantity of feed is not well founded, but this is not necessary to establish his superiorty, when what he does produce is worth much more.——The Progressive Farmer.

Many a woman lets her neighbor's affairs worry her more than her own.
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[[missing text]] Hookworm Dispensaries for Six Weeks-List of Appointments.

Dr. G. F. Leonard, hookworm  [[missing text]] pert of the Rockefeller Comm [[missing text]] accompanied by Mr. W. C. Jen [[missing text]] trained microscopist, are in Ga [[missing text]] and will begin next Monday [[missing text]] duct a six-weeks campaign for the extermination of the hookworm disease, if there should be any found, in Gaston county.

Dispensaries for the examination and treatment of patients will be conducted from 9:30 to 4 o'clock each day as follows:  Belmont, Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 and August 5 and 12; Mount Holly Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23 and 30, August 6 and 13; Dallas Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31, August 7 and 14; Cherryville, Thursdays' July 11, 18, 25 and August 1, 8 and 15; Bessemer City, Fridays July 12, 19, 26, August 2; Kings Mountain, Fridays, August 9 and 16; Gastonia, Saturdays, July 13, 20, 27 and August 3, 10 and 17.

Examination and treatment will be absolutely free, the cost of this campaign, which is $1,000, being paid as follows: by the county commissioners $250, by the Rockefeller Commission, $750.  The work is being done in the State under the direction and general supervision of the State Board of Health, but without expense to the State.
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Correspondence of The Gazette.

IRON STATION, July 2.——Mr. Robert Hallman entertained a number of his friends Saturday night at an ice cream supper.  Quite a number were present and all had a good time.

Mrs. R. C. Goode and children spent several days in Charlotte last week visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Clint Moore, of Stanley, have been visiting Mrs. Moore's mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Goode, of Macon, Ga., are spending some time with Mrs. Goode's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rendleman.

Raymond, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Long, has mumps.

Michels & Sons are threshing wheat in this section this week.  Wheat is better than was expected.

Mrs. Rosabelle Arndt is visiting friends in New York.

Miss Eva Dellinger visited in Lincolnton last week.

Mr. J. M. Reinhardt and children, of Stanley, spent the week-end with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Armstrong have gone to house-keeping in Mr. A. C. Lineberger's cottage.

Mr. Otis Hallman, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. J. M. Hallman.

Mrs. Anderson Bradshaw and little daughter returned to their home at Mt. Holly Sunday.

Mr. Edgar Jenkins, of Mount Holly, spent Sunday here.
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Don't fail to pay your water and light bill on or before the 10th and save the fifty cents extra charged for cutting off service and re-instating same.
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Residents on rural routes should use return envelopes.  Get them for any route in the county at 30 cents per 100 at The Gazette office.
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shan and son, Master Roger Marshall, of Raleigh.  They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Robinson.

Editor B. H. DePriest, of The [[obscured]] and Editor[[obscured/missing]] of The Cleveland Star, both [[missing]] were among the visitors to [[missing]] for the celebration.

On next Friday night at 8:30 o'clock in the City Hall Mr. John Woods, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Spartanburg, S. C., will deliver an address on the matter of organizing such a body for Gastonia.  It is hoped that there will be a good attendance of the citizens to hear him.

——Mr. J. R. Lewis, of Dallas, showed The Gazette man yesterday a relic which he prizes very highly in the shape of a baby cap which his grandmother Craig, mother of the late Mr. John H. Craig, made for him 60 years ago when he was six months old.  It is made of calico or gingham and is in a good state of preservation.

——The Lowell Orchestra, of which Mr. James M. Wilson is director, gave an ice cream supper Tuesday night at Mr. Wilson's residence in Lowell.  It was well attended and a most delightful evening was experienced.  An interesting feature was the music by the orchestra.  The event will be repeated some time within the next two or three weeks, announcement of the exact date to be made later.

——Mr. R. M. Newcomb, traveling representative of the Great Northern Railroad, spent yesterday in Gastonia distributing literature and circulars descriptive of Oregon, Montana, Washington, North Dakota and other north-western States.  He is endeavoring to get up a party of 200 to take on a special train from Charlotte July 20th to the harvest fields of North Dakota.

——The historical and industrial supplement of The Progress has been issued.  It contains 20 pages and is a handsome piece of work.  It consists largely of advertisements of local establishments, which are attractively displayed.  The supplement was gotten out by Mr. Albert E. Walker, of Charlottesville, Va., who makes a specialty of this class of work and was issued from the presses of the Observer Company, at Charlotte.

——Prof. W. J. Francis, principal of the Boiling Springs High School, Cleveland county, and Mrs. Francis are spending a few days with the latter's homefolks at Belmont.  They spent yesterday in Gastonia.  While here Prof. Francis is doing some work in the interest of his school, an advertisement of which appears in today's Gazette.  Last year this school had 250 students and a larger number is expected next year.  The session of 1912-13 opens August 13th.

——Mr. Miles Hoffman arrived Thursday night from Keithville, La., to take in the Fourth.  He had been planning to come home some time this summer but reading The Gazette's forecast of the big celebration he decided to come earlier and take that in.  He is spending a few days with his cousin, Mr. T. C. Smith.  In a few days he will go to Long Shoals to visit homefolks.  Mr. Hoffman was in the flooded district along the Mississippi and had to get out in a hurry on one of the emergency trains to save his life.  His crop was entirely destroyed.
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Transcription Notes:
please confirm first line for columns : 2nd, 3rd,5th -- previous page for transcription has above the fold text re [[strikethrough]] at Parade subhead: pencil is outlining the relevant part of the article. Doesn't seem intended as strikethrough. Some part of text is missed original sheet is torn between 5th and 6th column corrected "...two hourse ensued..." to "...two hours ensued..." corrected "...assitant..." to "...assistant..." corrected "...Borad..." to "...Broad..." corrected "...commmercial..." to "...commercial..." corrected "...raya..." to "...rays..." corrected "...accross..." to "...across..." corrected "...flgas..." to "...flags..." corrected "...festoon..." to "...festoons..." Misspellings and grammatical errors must not be corrected a direct reproduction of what's on the page.