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[[Newspaper, left side cut off]]


Relation to Mexico lt in Session for Purposes

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[[column 2]]


Volatile Tournier Knows What to do in Emergencies by the Feel of the Air

Studensky, Rated One of the Best Aviators in Country, Absolutely Fearless

Little Mercer Tournier, pilot of the fast monoplane at the fair, rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders eloquently when a Huronite representative began asking him questions yesterday. He does not speak English and The Huronite could never have secured the little Frenchman's opinions on his work but for the courtesy of Arthur Orr, vice-president of the National Aeroplane company, who went over to France to get Tournier and speaks French fluently. Mr. Orr volunteered to act as interpreter.

"How do you like your work?" was asked (through Mr. Orr, of course).

The little chap's face wreathed in smiles answered the question before the interpreter had time to translate the spontaneous reply.

"And how do you like Huron?" asked The Huronite representative.

Mr. Orr preserved the Frenchman' verbal construction: "Very, very much for fly. This wind is so much, though. But for blow all the time, this Huron land best I have see in world for fly.  Flier can come down anywhere, most, without hurt."

Tournier is busy with the English language which he desires very much to learn. He likes America well enough to remain away from Paris and has brought his diminutive wife and baby with him.

Unlike many of the aviators of his ability, this little Parisian has never been a balloonist. He has always been somewhat of a mechanical genius and took to aviation when the science began to attract attention. He has only flown, however for a year and a half. His mechanics and his managers know more about aviation and the aeroplane from the technical standpoint than Tournier himself, for he is not a student in any sense. When he was asked yesterday how he knew what to do in emergencies in the air, knowing little about the whys and wherefores of air disturbances, the little Frenchman laughed and shrugged his shoulders again. 

"Oh my! (English version) I--ah--what you call it. I feel the air. Oui oui".

Paul Studensky, pilot of one of the huge Beach National biplanes is also a toy man. His big blue eyes are the very picture of childish innocence. The interviewer, however, soon learns that here is no child, but an experienced man of the world and an artist in the saddle of a flying machine. Studensky speaks a broken English besides several other languages.

"Yess. I ver-ry much love the air. I first learn to fly ze Bleriot monoplane, ze fast French craft like is no faster machine made than ze Nieuport. But I like ze beeg biplane too whole lot."

Studensky flew the big biplane which circled the city last evening at the time Tournier was flying. He is rated as one of the best aviators in the country and has accomplished some daring feats in the air.

It is plain that he likes his work and that he expects to stay by it all his life. He says that he has no fear when flying and that there is no emergency that he would worry about if he is high enough in the air to right himself when the trouble comes.


[[column 3]] 

Presidential Candidate Appealing to Pacific Dwellers to Give Him Votes

Crossing State of Washington From Spokane to Puget Sound Territory

Spokane, Wash., Sept. 10.--Colonel Roosevelt made his appeal to the people of Washington to support the Progressive ticket.  He reached Spokane from Montana and is to remain in the state two days. After remaining in Spokane for a day the colonel will go across the state and will close in Seattle and Tacoma.

Three speeches were on Colonel Roosevelt's program for the day. After an automobile parade through the city he addressed an open meeting at noon. Later he spoke at a mass meeting exclusively for women. In the evening he talked to workingmen at a mass meeting.

The colonel said that his visit to the Northwest is constantly reminding him of old days when he was a "cowpuncher."

"When I passed through Sand Point, Ida.," he said, "it occurred to me that I visited that place nearly thirty years ago when there was nothing there but a row of wooden buildings and a saloon. Everybody ate in the saloon. After supper I was told that I might have one of the little wooden huts to sleep in. I turned in and went to sleep. 

"The next thing I knew I was standing upright in the middle of the floor. I had jumped out of bed with the bedclothes wrapped around me, before I knew what was doing. The door was burst open and some one ran at me in the darkness. There was some excitement for a few minutes. I finally found out that it was a drunken man who insisted that he wanted to sleep with me. 

"Did you put him out?" he was asked.

The colonel smiled reminiscently.

"Yes," he said, "I certainly did."


Bull Moose Elector Said When he Got off the Ticket he Would be Put off

Aberdeen. S. D., Sept. 10--Special to the Huronite--Attorney L. T. Van Slyke of this city, one of the nominees for elector on the republican ticket and a supporter of Colonel Roosevelt, when shown an editorial in the Deadwood Telegram suggesting a compromise plan by which the nominees for electors are to resign and new sets of electors named, one set to go on the ballot as "Taft presidential electors." and the other set as "Roosevelt presidential electors," laughed at the proposed compromise, and stated that any time he got off the ticket it would be when the courts took him off.

He pointed out the fact that the Deadwood idea is not feasible, because there is no way under the South Dakota law by which candidates nominated by petition can get on the ballot under any party or factional designation. They must go on as independent candidates, without any distinguishing designation. That has been the trouble throughout in the present squabble between the factions in South Dakota.

If the law afforded any way by which Roosevelt electors and Taft electors could get on the ballot on equal terms, it is probable both fac- [[portion of page missing]] would be glad to effect a com-
to that end. Inasmuch as the
such easy "way

[[column 4]]

Department of Agriculture Estimates an Enormous Yield of All the Crops
There Will be a Three Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat in the Northwest
Three Billion Bushels are the Figures That Show the Abundance of Corn

Washington, Sept. 10.--The September crop report of the United States department of agriculture, compiled by the crop reporting board from reports of correspondents and agents of the bureau of statistics, gives a summary of the condition on Sept. 1, or at time of harvest, of corn, spring wheat, oats, barley, potatoes, flaxseed and apples, and a preliminary estimate of the yield and quality of hay.

Corn--Conditions, 82.1 per cent of a normal, compared with 80.0 per cent Aug. 1, 70.3 per cent on Sept. 1 last year, and 81.1 per cent, the average condition on Sept. 1 for the past ten years. The indicated yield per acre, estimated from condition reports, is 27.7 bushels. On the planted area, 108,110,000 acres, it is estimated the final total production will be about 2,995,000,000 bushels, compared with 2,531,000,000 harveste3d last year and 2,886,000,000 bushels harvested in 1910.

Spring Wheat--Condition, 90.8 per cent of a normal at time of harvest, compared with 90.4 per cent on Aug. 1, 56.7 per cent at time of harvest last year and 76.5 per cent, the average condition at time of harvest for the past ten years. The indicated yield per acre, estimated from condition reports, is 15.6 bushels. On the planted area, 19,201,000 acres, it is estimated the final total production will be about 300,000,000 bushels, compared with 191,000,000 bushels harvested last year and 201,000,000 bushels harvested in 1910.

Oats--Condition, 92.3 per cent of normal at time of harvest, compared with 90.3 per cent on Aug. 1, 64.5 per cent at time of harvest last year, and 78.8 per cent, the average condition at time of harvest for the past ten years. The indicated yield per acre, estimated from condition reports, is 34.1 bushels. On the planted area, 37,844,000 acres, it is estimated the final total production will be about 1,290,000,000 bushels, compared with 922,000,000 bushels harvested last year, and 1,186,000,000 bushels harvested in 1910.

The estimated yield of barley is 209,000,000 bushels; white potatoes 398,000,000 bushels; flax 29,000,000 bushels, and hay 72,000,000 tons.


Three Lost in Alaskan Mountains.

Juneau, Alaska, Sept. 10.--John Shattuck, twenty-one years old, a student at the University of Oregon; Dell Linscott, aged twenty, a resident of Douglas, and Leslie Oliver, seventeen years old, of Juneau, are believed to have perished in the mountains back of Sheep creek, four miles south of here, having become lost in a fog while hunting.


Secretary of S
[[portion missing]]

Yokohama, Sept. 10.--Secretary of
Knox was received here with
of the utmost cor-

Transcription Notes:
I am very impressed at the tenacity of the person who transcribed the incomplete columns.