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AKRON BEACON JOURNAL, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 16,1913. [[left column]] [[See notes]] [[\left column]] [[column]] [[boxed]] Cuyahoga Falls [[\boxed]] [[left column]] STUDENSKI IN 150 FEET FALL [[mid length line]] Russian Aviator Miraculously Escapes Death at Aviation Field. [[mid length line]] Machine Falls and Aviator Crawls From Wreck Uninjured. [[mid length line]] Cuyahoga Falls——That Paul Studenski is not a dead and crushed aviator is due to his good luck in alighting rather than to any success in a flight made by him at the Silver Lake aviation field late Saturday. When he was up 100 to 150 feet, his aeroplane went wrong [[illegible]] and dropped like a shot straight to the ground. Luckily for the Russian he landed with the machine under him, and before the small crowd on the ground could get half way across the field to him he crawled out of the debris and stood up unhurt. Studenski hasn't given any explanation of why the machine fell, and none connected with the flights are willing to say much about the accident. Studenski was happy enough to get out free of hurt. There is a suspicion that the machine, which is a big Curtiss biplane, is not balanced exactly correct. It is the same machine that fell last Wednesday, and the plane damaged at this time had been repaired but a short time when Saturday's ascension was made. The machine, all except the engine, was completely wrecked, and will not be suitable for flights for a long time. It cost probably $4,000 originally. [[mid length line]] [[boxed]] FALLS BRIEFS [[\boxed]] Cuyahoga Falls——E. A. McCuskey and family of Canton are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCuskey, Wetmore street. Two car loads of slag for the Hoiles-Hedden allotment on South Front street arrived via the B. & O. Saturday.[[illegible]] [[\left column]] [[right column]] WATER FAMINE MUCH FEARED [[mid length line]] Public Affairs Board Orders Sprinkling and Waste Stopped. [[mid length line]] Need of New and Deeper Wells Becomes More Evident. [[mid length line]] Cuyahoga Falls——With a water famine staring them in the face, the Board of Public Affairs has issued an order to the water users of this place to refrain from sprinkling and unnecessarily wasting of water. Already the scarcity of water has been noticed by the water works officials who realize that unless new wells are drilled or the old ones made deeper a famine cannot be averted. The water question has been foremost in the minds of the members of the Board of Public Affairs for some time. For the past few Summers during the drought season, the water has been scarce and the users were orderde to stop sprinkling. But this year the scarcity of water has come sooner than previous years and should a drought come now, a famine is certain. James Greene has been engaged to drill one of the wells at the plant deeper in hopes of striking more water, and should the attempt prove successful, all the wells will be drilled deeper. If not, new wells will have to be drilled. The order from the board was issued Saturday, and is to go into effect at once. Violation of the order may result in a penalty. [[mid length line]] DANCES BARRED AT SILVER LAKE [[mid length line]] None of These With Hudgens in Charge at Silver Lake. [[\left column]] [[right column]] [[See notes]] [[\right column]]
Transcription Notes:
Columns either side are torn and not fully legible