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[[newspaper clipping 7 column format with solid lines across the bottom and top of the text]]
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would never 
Roosevelt delegates if they had had any idea the colonel would have bolted the republican party if defeated in the convention.  This number added to the 10,944 republicans who voted for Taft delegates in the primaries, makes a total of 48,928 republicans the Taft men class as being in reality opposed to Colonel Roosevelt and leaves the colonel but 23,239 real dyed in the wool, thick and thin Roosevelt republicans in the state.
The statistics of the Taft republicans may not hold water when subjected to scrutiny of the political experts who are pointing to the list of Roosevelt electors nominated at the
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republican state convention held on July 2, but the Taft republicans are apparently deriving comfort from the figures, even though they object to letting the republicans of the state decide, by means of a "little ballot" whether the candidates for eletors shall cast their ballots for Taft Roosevelt.
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[[bold]]BIRDMAN POPULAR[[/bold]]
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Yesterday afternoon when Paul
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Studensky was called to the platform and introduced to the crowd he was given an ovation.  His flight of the day before had made him popular with the people.  The biplane was taken to the Leighterman field adjoining the grounds where the aviator made an easy ascension in the presence of 3500 people.  He flew gracefully over the city, chased the Milwaukee passenger in from the south, sailed around above the fair grounds and floated down like a bird to the spot where he started.  It was a wonderful sight to many who had never seen an airship flight before. The county fair management has
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given the people of Lake county a rare opportunity to see one of the best aviators in the business, navigate the air.  The National Aeroplane Co., of Chicago sent out this biplane and the fair association has found them very fine people to do business with.  They were anxious to please the people and fulfilled the contract to the letter.  Manager Linn is a most obliging gentleman and made a fine impression upon every one he met.  Mr. Studensky is a delightful gentleman.  He enjoys aviation and is in it for the pleasure he derives from the work.  He is a cultured young gentleman and a
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pleasant man to meet.  He speaks five languages and has a brother who is a professor in one of the universities of Russia.  He said to the Sentinel reporter that he expected to return to his native land next January and while he had found the American girls very nice he was afraid he would have to return home alone.  The aviation people expressed delight with the Lake county fair and say it is one of the best county fairs they have ever attended and the largest attendance.
The company shipped their biplane to Glendive, Mont., this afternoon where Mr. Studensky will make
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flights on three days of next week for country fair.
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The directors of the Lake County Fair Association are notified to meet at the office of Schmidt & Robeck in Madison at 8:00 p. m., Saturday, Sept. 21, to close the business of the county fair.  All bills against the association should be filed with the secretary before that date.
F. L. MEASE, Secretary.
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[[image - partial image of an advertisement with the only legible word being 'CATARRH']]
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Transcription Notes:
I only checked the relevant article, not the rest of the transcription