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Lieut. LAHM WINS First International AIR TROPHY - 1906

[[image: black & white photograph of two men in suits, ties and hats in the gondola (wicker basket) of a hot air balloon; three men visible behind the gondola, one wearing a top hat, one a bowler hat and a gendarme.  Lahm is holding papers in his left hand.]]

[[caption]] START OF THE FIRST GORDON BENNETT BALLOON CUP RACE - Lieutenant Frank P. Lahm, U.S.A. (left) and Major Henry B. Hersey, U.S.A. (right) about to ascend from Paris in the Balloon Race in which they brought the cup to America.  Lieut. Lahm was the first American to bring an international aerial trophy to the United States. Print in the Brown Brothers Collection. [[/caption]]