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The lectures were arranged in each instance either by the economics faculty of the University or by the local economic research institute or economic society. The audiences consisted wholly of faculty members, staff members of the institutes, and invited guests- economists from the Central Statistical Office, Planning Board, or Central Bank. The audiences ranged anywhere from 25 persons to 50 persons. Considering the fact that my visits took place during an off season when classes at the universities had not yet begun and when many economists were away on their vacations, this size of attendance appeared wholly satisfactory. Most important, however, was the high quality of the attending groups. I have a fairly complete roster of all persons who attended, with the identification of the institution with which they were associated.

In Ljubljana my two lectures were held at the ^[[faculty lecture]] room of the School of Economics of the University and were presided over by Dean Krasovec; at Belgrade two lectures were given at the Institute of International Economics and Politics and were presided over by its acting Director; in Zagreb I gave only one lecture, namely at the Croatian Institute of Economics, with Professor Lang, Director of the Institute presiding. In Warsaw I gave two lectures at the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, with Professor B. Minc, director of the Institute presiding, the second lecture in Warsaw was given by me at the School of Planning and Statistics with Dean Feodorovic presiding; and the third one was given by me there before the Warsaw Economic Society, with Professor Orlovski as chairman. In Cracow I gave one lecture only, and it was held before the Cracow Economic Society, with Professor Oyvzanowski presiding.