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Then Butte at 6:30 Tait Hotel.  A walk around the city - intense cold. It had snowed 2 days alone. I expected snow in the morning - but there was not a speck of it.

[[arrow pointing to sentence above]] Written too soon.

Snow lay on the mountains this morning, white, bright, silent. The long range in the distance flashed its wintry silver in the sky

Then we climbed the road up toward the Continental Divide; now snow lay in drifts on the hard rocky face of the slopes

Farther down the road the mountains were rocky, showing immense boulders.

Then the road followed the Yellowstone River for 400 miles, through brown

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butte country, tan hills and green plains holding pools of autumn rain.

At every town it was cold and icy, with the snowy mountains in the background. Slept overnight in the bus.

Glendive at 9:30 pm. I wanted to stay there - but didn't.

Dickensen at 2 am - the long street, the north wind.

Richmond at 5 am. breakfast, followed by the sunrise over the endless land.

And all though the night, a last quarter moon hung in the purple air close to the shapes of hills.

And so to Fargo at 9:30 am - proud, conservative city of a few thousand people,