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and so: I must believe in myself.

Met Kuniyoshi today. Then [[strikethrough]]heard [[/strikethrough]] watched him criticize a young artist's work.  'I like this" he said, of one painting that was all Kuniyoshi: the gray greens, the gray-purples, the gray browns & a spot of bright red. I concluded then & there that he is essentially a man of limited vision. That his kind [[strikethrough]]is stuff [/strikethrough]] makes [[strikethrough]]fr[[/strikethrough]] for reactionaries after his style is passé. His kind is not able to welcome the new nor bid godspeed to the one who sets off into the untrodden wilderness.

His work (& his pupils' work) is beautiful, yes, but where is the spirit of that this brave new world demands of its heroes?  His color 

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schemes are "easy to take;" I should like to see him criticize the color scheme of the pure color boys (S.T. esp.- The mural at the fair)

I should like to study [[strikethrough]]the work [[/strikethrough]] with a Kokoscha, with a Marin - I should like to find out - to know why they paint as they do of what beliefs, what philosophy of life is their vigor, their daring derived.

Prefabricated aesthetic formulas! The phrase rings in my head. If one feels for life, if one wishes to serve, to reveal, to extend the boundaries of thought & feelings of his fellowmen, [[strikethrough]]he was [[/strikethrough]] he will paint as he feels, as he wishes to reveal: no more, no less. And who is there that dares have him limit the scope of this