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ochropterus, [[/underlined]] p. 143, Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil; (6) [[underlined]] Sublegatus virescens [[/underlined]], p. 149, Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil; (7) [[underlined]] Thamnophilus doliatus mexicanus[[/underlined]], p. 151, Mexico (name of a substitute for [[underlined]] Thamnophilus affinis [[/underlined]], preoccupied.) Other species treated are as follows: [[underlined]] Porphyrospiza cearulescens [[/underlined]] (Wied) p. 140; [[underlined]] Mecocerculus uropygialis[[/underlined]] Lawr., p. 141; [[underlined]] Euscarthmus pelzelni [[/underlined]] scl., p. 146; [[underlined]] Habrura supercilaris (Wied), p.145; [[/underlined]] Habrura minima (Gould), p. 146; Phyllomyias incanescens (Wied), p. 147; Ornithion cinerascens (Wied), p. 148; Peristera mondetoura Bon, p. 151. In addition to these important critical notes are others with special titles, as follows: (1) Note on [[underlined]] Thryothorus "mysticalis" [[/underlined]] of the Busby Collection, p. 139 (considered to be

Transcription Notes:
I verified this info by reviewing an online pdf of the cited publication (Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 2)