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of Ammodramus sandwichensis from Mexico.

[[underlined]]The Auk,[[/underlined]] vol. v, July, 1888, pp.264-266.

[[underlined]]Ammodramus sandwichensis brunnescens,[[/underlined]] new subspecies, p 265. "Hab. - in winter the valley of Mexico."

Frank M. Chapman. - A List of Birds observed at Gainesville, Florida. 

[[underlined]]The Auk,[[/underlined]] vol. v, July, 1888, pp.267-277.
An annotated list of 149 species, in the preparation of which National Museum specimens were examined.

Charles B. Cory. - Description of a new Myiarchus from the West Indies. 

[[underlined]]The Auk,[[/underlined]] vol. v, July, 1888, p.266.