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of Magellan. V. Galapagos.  New species described are as follows:

(1) [[underline]] Geositta longipipemmis [[/underline]], [[underline]]Upucerthia propinqua [[/underline]], (3) [[underline]] Nesomimus [[/underline]] (new genus) [[underline]] macdonaldi [[/underline]], (4) [[underline]] N. personatus [[/underline]], (5) Certhidea cineruseeus [[/underline]], (6) [[underline]] Geospiza conirostris [[/underline]], (7) [[underline]] G. media [[/underline]], (8) [[underline]] Cactornis brevirostris [[/underline]], (9) Camarhynchus townsendi [[/underline]], (10) [[underline]] C. pauper [[/underline]], (11) [[underline]] Paecilonetta galapagensis [[/underline]]. Most of these new species are from the Galapagos, the others being from the straits of Magellan. 
Very respectfully
R. Ridgway.
Curator Department of Birds