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Wild Ducks in Relation to Rice Culture in California.


From August 16 to October 17, 1918, I was engaged in studying the relation of wild ducks to rice culture in the Sacramento Valley in California. The California State Fish and Game Commission were actively interested in the investigation and cooperated with the Department of Agriculture by placing the services of the game wardens in whose districts the rice fields were located at my disposal. These men were equipped with automobiles operated at state expense and through their knowledge of the region rendered invaluable aid. Thanks are due especially to Deputy Wardens S. J. Carpenter of Maxwell and E. D. Ricketts of Live Oak for their hearty cooperation in every possible way.

Following is the itinerary followed during this investigation:

San Francisco, Aug. 16
Sacramento, " [[ditto for: Aug.]] 17
Maxwell, " [[ditto for: Aug.]] 18-21
Maxwell to Live Oak  " [[ditto for: Aug.]] 22
Live Oak " [[ditto for: Aug.]] 23-26
Sacramento " [[ditto for: Aug.]] 27
San Francisco  " [[ditto for: Aug.]] 28
Sacramento " [[ditto for: Aug.]] 29
Willows " [[ditto for: Aug.]] 30- Sept. 1
Maxwell  Sept. 2-3
Live Oak " [[ditto for: Sept.]] 4
Maxwell " [[ditto for: Sept.]] 4-8