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Asks Hoover to Give Farmers Special Permits to Slay Birds to Save Crops


^[[S.F. Chronicle 9/24/18]]

Special Dispatch to The Chronicle.

SACRAMENTO, September 24.—Responding to the appeal from rice growers for protection against the ducks, State Food Administrator Ralph P. Merritt has wired to United States Food Administrator Herbert Hoover a recommendation that no immediate drastic action be taken by the Federal authorities in enforcing the game law, and suggesting that special permits be granted rice men to kill ducks and use them for food whenever necessary in protecting their crops.

William Durbrow, County Food Administrator, has received the following telegram from Merritt.

"William Dubrow, County Food Administrator, Willows, Cal.—Have sent following telegram to Hoover:

'Regarding killing of ducks by owners of rice fields who have been using any method for protection of their own property which owner deemed desirable and have been molested by State authorities. Rice growers are now wiring stating Federal game wardens have been sent to rice fields for purpose of prosecuting owners or employes who may kill ducks in protection of owners rice fields.

"'Rice growers regard this action as antagonistic to food production and ask that Federal interference be withdrawn. Do not believe conditions warrant drastic action by Federal Government and that conditions should be allowed to continue.'

"Will advise as soon as reply received.


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