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July 14, 1942. .Education Dept. appoints J. A. Trice as the superintendent of education, as first step toward the "misery" of the incoming "Californy" students....One of the more lucky breaks for the students. 
Sept. 8...Guy Blakey appointed principal of high school but develops "stomach ail-ment" after one look at the camp. Jerome's Wm. E. Bens-ley is transferred to Roh-wer....Loss for Jerome is gain for Rohwer. 
Sept. 20-Oct. 15....Pre-school survey and census taken. Preliminary registration begins in respective mess halls. Or----black letter days for the students. Is that why a couple of mess halls were burnt down that day????????
gloom misery
Nov. 2-8..Pre-school teacher's conference is held by the first group of teachers planning torturous, wear, miserable, and black days for the over working stu-dents. Mr. Hitler's and Mr. Mussolini's conference for world conquest at Bren-ner Pass was more child's play compared to the plot-ting of these teachers. 
Nov. 9..."School days, school days, dear ole' golden rule days." Phooey!...Yipe, real teachers.
Nov. 26...This day was Thanks-giving day, but we went to school for half a day. Tea-chers felt generous so they managed to give the students their precious three hours in the afternoon. Wasn't that very nice of the facul-ty members?? Remind me to send them a box of razz-berries. 
Dec. 23-Jan. 4....Students are let off from school for two weeks to observe the holi-days and get away from the mud. Thanks, Education Dept., that two weeks was just long enough for me to clean the mud off my shoes. 
Jan. 12-13....Seniors sponsor an assembly. Homeroom presi-dents are introduced to the student body. Why boast so much, Joe????????
February...Construction of the new library started. Where is the gym?? Library's the same ole' barrack with more windows in. Our hats off to the Engineering Dept. 
March 1-6...Students are let off one week in order that teachers may register center residents for leave clear-anocs. 
March 18.."Amidst the roar and the flash of lightning and thunder, and in the midst of the full fury of an Arkansas storm" our first open house was held. By the way, did you see half of the exhibit floating by????????
March 19..."First successful" dance sponsored by the 11A1's honoring St. Patrick's Day. Orchids to Miss Simp-son and her class!
March 20...Graduation..Big day......for the school. At last we get rid of those seniors. 
March 24...Basketball play-off. Sophomores defeat seniors.. "Smooth" Hank Oga and "Rug-god" Shig Ohata lead team to victory. Go hide your heads in shame, seniors!
March 26...Commemorating their four years in high school, seniors hold their final dance. Good luck to you, seniors.
Because. 98% of the students rated "A" averages, National Honor Society, of McGehee Branch, is set up in here. To think I was one of the other 2%. 
March 27.....Second semester starts....What already! Aw, give us a break!!!!!
April 13.......Candidates for school office are presented to the student body. Same speeches are given by the candidates, c'mon, let's get together, candidates.