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[[underlined]] Agelaius phoeniceus [[/underlined]].
Abundant. Seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27, Wharton Dec. 28, El Campo Dec. 29 and in the region between Bay City, Citrus Grove and Matagorda on Jan. 1 and 2. Near El Maton on Jan. 2 flocks containing thousands of these birds were feeding in rice stubble. The subspecies [[underlined]] predatorius [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] richmondii [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] fortis [[/underlined]] are represented in small series of skins that were preserved. (specimens).

[[underlined]] Sturnella magna [[/underlined]].
Abundant. Meadowlarks were recorded at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27, Wharton Dec. 28, El Campo Dec. 29 and 30, and Bay City and elsewhere in Matagorda County on Jan. 1 and 2. All that I was able to examine at close range with binoculars belonged to the eastern species, but it is probable that [[underlined]] neglecta [[/underlined]] was represented among them. The birds were entirely silent at this time and though I was out constantly I heard none calling so that no aid in their identification was to be derived from this source. From the pale coloration of many of the birds it would seem that many belonged to the form [[underlined]] hoopesi [[/underlined]].

[[underlined]] Icterus melanocephalus auduboni [[/underlined]].
One of these orioles was "squeaked up" from a dense growth of Cherokee Rose near Eagle Lake on Dec. 27 and I was able to watch it for several minutes as it worked through vines and low live oaks before it disappeared. Though tame the bird would not allow me to approach within cane gun range.

[[underlined]] Ruphagus cyanocephalus [[/underlined]].
Abundant. Recorded at Eagle Lake Dec. 25, 26 and 27, Wharton Dec. 28, El Campo Dec. 29 and 30 and Bay City and vicinity Jan. 1 and 2. A specimen showing albinistic tendencies was collected. (specimen).

[[underlined]] Megaquiscalus m. macrourus [[/underlined]].
Common. Recorded at Eagle Lake Dec. 25, 26 and 27, Wharton Dec. 28, El Campo Dec. 29 ^[[and]] 30 and in Matagorda County between Bay City, Citrus Grove and