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[[underlined]] Melospiza melodia [[/underlined]].
^[[Fairly common.]] One seen at Stuttgart on Dec. 16 ^[[17]] and [[strikethrough]] again on Dec. [[/strikethrough]] 18. [[strikethrough]] Several [[/strikethrough]] observed near Dewitt on Dec. ^[[19 and]] 20.

^[[[[underlined]] Melospiza georgiana [[/underlined]]. One seen at Stuttgart on Dec. 16 and again on Dec. 18. Several observed near Dewitt on Dec. 20.]]

[[underlined]] Passerella i iliaca [[/underlined]].
Fairly common. Seen near Stuttgart on Dec. 16, 17 and 18, and at Dewitt Dec. 19, 20 and 22. Singing.

[[underlined]] Pipilo erythrophthalmus [[/underlined]].
Fairly common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16, 17 and 18. A few at Dewitt Dec. 20.

[[underlined]] Cardinalis c. cardinalis [[/underlined]].
Common. Recorded near Stuttgart Dec. 16, 17 and 18, and at Dewitt Dec. 19, 20 and 22. On Dec. 17 about 30 were seen in one small area of brush.

[[underlined]] Passer domesticus [[/underlined]].
Common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16, 17 and 18 and at Dewitt Dec. 19, 20, 21 and 22. Distributed through the country side.

[[underlined]] Bombycilla cedrorum [[/underlined]].
Small flocks were seen feeding on persimmons in the town of Dewitt Dec. 19 and 20.

[[underlined]] Lanius l. migrans [[/underlined]].
Fairly common. Dec. 16 in Stuttgart I found a House mouse ^[[,]] that probably had been suspended by the shrike ^[[,]] hung in a china-berry tree [[underlined]] (Melia azedarach) [[/underlined]]. Several were seen below Stuttgart Dec. 17 and others were observed near Dewitt Dec. 19 and 20.

[[underlined]] Dendroica coronata [[/underlined]].
Common in heavy bottom woods near Dewitt Dec. 19, 20 and 22.