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Buzzard 7 abv
Horned Larks & flocks West of Lynchburg
Meadowlarks           "[[ditto for West of Lynchburg]]
Junco                 "[[ditto for West of Lynchburg]]
Crows abundant          

Dec. 14
Sparrowhawk             Huntsville, Ala
Fox Sparrow
Horned Lark
Crow                    first at Town Creek
Zenaidura        }    
Many Meadowlarks }         
more Crows       } west of Leighton
Red-tail         }     
Several Shrikes  }    

Crows                   Gd Junction
Bewick's Wren
Horned Lark tracks}    
Blackbirds        } Memphis
Goldeneye         }     

Transcription Notes:
I'm not sure how the multi-line } marks should be done. Still a few words I couldn't make out well enough to figure it out from Google. MM: Zenaidura = mourning dove