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R.Y. Young       [[strikethrough]] 770 [[/strikethrough]]
no damage by blackbirds or ducks. Damage reported by Redwings in spring & possibly by [[yellowheads?]] especially when grain is [[?]] broadcast

T.F. Gibbs — [[Hagler?]] (place in [[?]] $600 damage by grackles in rice shocks Dec 17. no damage by ducks no damage in spring

John Scroguns
no damage.

Mrs. Ralph Rhodes.

1500 bu lost to ducks on 65-70 acres in field of 160 acres 1½ miles from Basye place. damage by ducks claimed on previous years none by blackbirds.

Otto Jensen —

2000 bu loss shortly before Thanksgiving. This is same as Rhodes claim as rice was grown on shares with [[?]] rice taken for seed.

Ten shocks torn down in another field Birds kept out by night shooting

no damage by Blackbirds

Henry Jensen. Also interested in rice reported by Otto Jensen & Ralph Rhodes
estimated loss at 3500 bushels. 

Mr. Jensen has about 50 acres of Blue Rose Rice still in shock. Ten