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[[?Eagle Lake]]   12-27-17
✔️ Redwing [[strikethrough]] 0 10 ?18 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[10:15]] ♀ [[strikethrough]]107.8[[/strikethropugh ^[[11:00]]  150
✔️ Great Tailed Grackle ♀ [[strikethrough]]108.6[[/strikethrough]] ^[[10:15]] 75
✔️Txas Chickadee [[strikethrough]]107.6[[/strikethrough]] ^[[11:30]] 4
✔️ [[?Green]] Winged Teal 15
[[two columns]]
[[column 1]]
✔️ Spoonbill.  12
✔️ Coot  8
✔️ Black Vulture 30
✔️ Turkey Buzzard 15
✔️ Texas Quail 12
✔️ Tufted Tit. 3
✔️ Carolina Wren [[strikethrough]]108,7[[/strikethrough]] ^[[11:30]] 6
✔️ House Wren 1
✔️ Flicker 10
✔️ Red-Billed Woodpecker 8
✔️ Downy.        "       1
✔️ Yellow Billed "       3
✔️ Yellowthroat. 7
✔️ Brown Thrasher  309
✔️ Cardinal. 40
✔️ Mockingbird. 59
✔️ Crow. 2
✔️ Shrike. 2 
✔️ Meadowlark 12
✔️ [[?P ]]  75
✔️ Brewer's Blackbird 300
✔️ Cowbird. 15
✔️ Wilson's Snipe
✔️ Least Sandpiper 6
✔️ Mourning Dove 1
✔️ Song Sparrow 5
✔️ Fox     "   2
✔️ Vesper  "   4
✔️ Swamp   "   2
✔️ Goldfinch  30
[[/column 1]]

[[column 2]]
✔️ English Sparrow
✔️ Myrtle Warbler. 8
✔️ Ruby cr Kinglet 3
✔️ Robin  7
✔️ Hermit Thrush  3
✔️ Bluejay. 10
✔️ Whiter cr. Sparrow ^[[100 [[?3:45]]]]. [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]]
✔️ Killdeer  8
✔️ Phoebe  5
✔️ Red-tailed Hawk  4
✔️ Red-shouldered " [[for Hawk]] 2
✔️ Sparrowhawk. 2
✔️ Arctic Towhee  5
✔️ Cedar Waxwing 40
✔️ White-throated Sp  5
✔️ Harris Sparrow  1
✔️ Longbilled Marsh Wren  2
[[/column 2]]

Transcription Notes:
mandc: "cr" = crown.