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in that neighborhood. This year only 500. Birds for this reason were particularly bad. no attempt made to keep them out but believed that shooting would pay.

Some damage by ducks but not so much this year. Ducks cause loss by cleaning up down rice along [[?]] otherwise used for hog feeds. estimated that each setting of separator in threshing will furnish food for 50-100 hogs for 10 days to 2 weeks. Ducks frequently clean up this rice in two or three days. Ducks eat grain blown down by wind

Blackbirds especially Brewers & Jackdaws have done much damage in Kaffir corn Egyptian corn & maize. Jackdaws eat [[?]] while it is still soft stripping back ears & feeding on grains. Fields of Egyptian wheat entirely stripped by blackbirds.

Mr. Foster Ducks do damage in fields when it is wet but do not do much damage while it is dry.

G.W. Kelly has raised no rice this year because of water shortage but had 700 acres year previous. In old land rice has to be planted shallow and sometimes is not covered up. Birds get this. Sometimes necessary to flood rice to give it a start. Birds then