Viewing page 4 of 114

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Meadowlark  [[?]]
Purple Martin [[16?]]
- Yellowthroat 6
- [[Chewink?]] 12
- Brown Thrush 3
- English Sparrow  20
- [[Cricul??]]  8
- Mourning Dove 11
- [[Starlings?]] 20
- Robins 10
- [[V?]] [[98]]
- [[C?]] 10
- [[N?]] 4
- Goldfinch 11
- Browne Warbler 10
- Carolina Wren 10
- Seifert Tit 5
- Sparrowhawk 1
- [[?]] 9
- Chat 5
- Deming Whip-poor-will 2
- Great Crested Fly catcher 6
- Flicker 6
- Yellow billed curlews 1
- Purple Finch 17
- Cardinal 13
- Swamp Sparrow 6
- Broadwinged Hawk 2
- Buzzard 15
- Wood Thrush 6
- Bluegray gnatcatcher 3
- Scarlet tanager 4
- Hooded warbler 6
- Chimney Swift 60
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
- Catbird 5
- Louisiana Waterthrush 4
- White-eyed Vireo 4
- [[Viery?]] 3
- Kentucky Warbler 2
- Parnila warbler 5
- Myrtle Warbler 27
- Black & White warbler 5
- [[?]]
- Spotted [[Sa...?]] 10
- Red breasted nuthatch 4
- Phoebe 3
- Rough-winged Swallow 8
- Barn Swallow 9
- [[?]] 3
- Purple [[?]] 4
- Field Sparrow 4
- Red-headed Woodpecker 1
- Red bellied woodpecker 1
- [[Nighthawk?]] 2
- [[?]] 12
- Song Sparrow 4
- Blackbird 2
- Red shouldered Hawk 1
60 - Black throated Green Warbler 15
- Chestnut-headed Warbler 8
- ?]] 2
- Chickadee 2
- Pine Warbler 1
- Red [[?]] 2
- [[?]] 2
- Green [[?]] 1
- Orchard Oriole 1

Transcription Notes:
Two pages joined at bottom and top. Written in smudgy pencil. Every entry has a short mark at the left margin. Each entry is followed by a series of tally marks which are transcribed as whole numbers. e.g. ||| is 3.