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May 25

- Gadwall 10
- Mallard 4
- Pied billed grebe 3-1
- Eared grebe 15-8-4-2-13-1-3
- Song Sparrow 4
- Yellowthroat 3
- Yellowhead 15-5
- Coot 4-1-6-2-2-1-3
- Redwing 2
- Redhead 1
- Lesser Scaup 5 [[male symbol]] 3 [[female symbol]] - 3 pr.
- Ruddy 16
- Virginia Rail 1
- Cinnamon Teal 1
- Black Duck 1
- Spoonbill 1
- Bluewing Teal 1

- Coot 30
- Eared grebe 20
- Gadwall 4 pr

[[start 2 columns]]

- wn Mockingbird  | - Spotted Sandpiper
- Aeronautes  | - Pipilo
- Brewer's Sparrow | Raven
- wn Vesper sparrow | - Mourning Dove
- wn Meadowlark | - Roughwinged Swallow
- Robin | - Night Heron
- Magpie | - Mountain Bluebird
- Pinion Jay | - Long crested Jay
- Cliff Swallow | - wn Chippy
- Violet green Swallow | - Buzzard
- Rock wren | - Crow
- Audubon's Warbler

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Morning cold. Eared grebes float on water back to sun with wing tips raised, flank feathers flared out and feathers of rump expanded to catch warmth of sun. This gives a broad high body appearance that changes to the usual slim shape as the bird compress the feathers as they dive.

Coots. male in pursuit of female often rises clear of water for a short distance.
- Pied-bill suns as does Colymbus
- Dandelion in bloom

Yellowhead male pursues [[female symbol]] in air seizes her & both fall into water. male rises by [[female symbol]] flops toward rushes. [[male symbol]] seizes her twice more for a second or so before she emerges from water. Both seem indifferent to wetting

Pied-bill dives under eared grebe & bites at feet making them fly. also chases them on surface.

Gadwall [[male symbol]] swims to [[female symbol]] pushing his breast against her sides & shoving her gently first one side & then the other bites her gently on back & rump. She lowers posterior part of body and he mounts from behind seizes feathers of back of head & submerging her finally thrusting all but top of her head under. In copulating his own body is half submerged. Copulation takes 8-10 seconds & male then releases head of [[female symbol]] slides off at side turns immediately and bows [[deeply?]] giving [[?]] 
[[arrow starting here and extending up to beginning of paragraph]] [[male symbol]] swims toward female bowing by extending head straight up, then retracting neck & lowering bill. Whole operation behind narrow rush screen within 30 feet. [[female symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
2 pages joined bottom to top tally marks converted to numbers