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Eared grebe rise & patter off across surface barely touching water with feet making considerable noise sometimes go in [[strict?]] line sometimes curve in circle.
♂ grebe in front of female crest lowered 
head & neck extended & resting on a patch of algae trilling low tone. Another male approaches and he turns on him savagely. ♀ at at short intervals rise half erect with neck extended & arched head bent toward breast and gives a spring forward apparently as though to slide up on nest. Then begins to pick up algae seizing strands and swimming up with them as which male ^[[on [[opposite?]]] reaches out as though to assist. At this point a coot butted in and the grebes dove ♂ rose & flapped wings threateningly at coot who attacked again & grebe again dove. Grebes keep up continual whistled noted.
Kwuh Kehe coot call notes.
♀ [[kwveh?]] ♂ Whew - Bluebill
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
- Great horned owl
- Meadowlark
- House wren
- Sharpshin
- [[Wn?]] Warbling Vireo
- Rock wren
- Robin
- Greentailed Towhee
- [[Pepilo?]]
- Cassins Kingbird ♂ [[strikethrough]] 107.0[[/strikethrough]] 12:15
- [[Einfüdermax??]] whit whit whit sea
- Plumbeous Vireo 
- Long-crested Jay
- Magpie
- Virginia's warbler ♀ [[strikethrough]] 108.5 [[/strikethrough]] 10:10/.
- Chipping Sparrow
- White throated Swift 
- Cliff Swallow
- Violet Green Swallow
- Orange crowned Warbler ♀ [[strikethrough]] 107.2 [[/strikethrough]] [[9:00a.?]]
- White-brasted Nuthatch
- Pygmy Nuthatch
- Williamson's Sapsucker ♀ [[strikethrough]] 105.1 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[9:22]] [[strikethrough]] ♂ 107.1 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[9:30]]
- [[?]]
- Flicker
- [[Wn?]] Tanager
- Black headed Grosbeak
- Rocky Mtn Hairy Woodpecker
- Redtail

Transcription Notes:
an "eared grebe" is a thing! so excited to figure that out! :)