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Junk Ked - beti chli so Yellowhead

tsã ne nakh  June 4.
Ruddy [[Roman numeral 17]]
Redhead [[Roman numeral 9]]
Eared grebe 6-4-10-4-3-6-10-6-6-3-10-2-20-5
Yellowhead [[Roman numeral 56]]
Coot 1-1-3-3-3-1-1-2-1-3-2-1-3-2-3-1-34-8
Song sp. [[Roman numeral 18]]
Gadwall [[Roman numeral 6]]
Pied-bills [[Roman numeral 11]]
Mallard [[Roman numeral 6]]
Cinnamon Teal [[Roman numeral 2]]
Bluebill [[Roman numeral 8]]
Spoonbill [[Roman numeral 2]]

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[[female symbol]] Ruddy swims along calling Keow Keow Keow in a high tone like a young turkey. Occasionally jerks head up and down as does male at the end lifting wings but makes no sound. Two males in pursuit. They jump forward on water with great splashing & then cluck & display. Finally pursuit starts in earnest but she dives & escapes each time. Males dash toward each other jump up and strike with large feet sliding off each others backs. Also shove with breasts. One is finally vanquished & dives with others after him.

[[male symbol]] in displays raises wings high at last quack.

[[female symbol]] stands upright in water & bends head down to preen abdomen.

Redheads mating. Party of 11 males & 3 females, on pair apparently already mated [[female symbol]] approaches male with head & neck erect sometimes jerking head up and down in short [[?]]. Calls quck que-e-ck, a low rattling quack. Male extends head upright and swims thus frequently whirlisng quickly to show female his back. She often [[bites?]] at him, Transfers attentions from one male to another, [[praticlly?]], [[wans?]] the male who is apparently mated coming in for his share of attention. Often when males were approached they sank down with head drawn in on back remaining motionless. Female frequently