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rattles wings
[[Cyanratta]] appears black overhead
[[yucca]] in bloom
[[chewink]] clear bill [[W Towhee]]
graces warbler chip chip chip chip somewhat
like sprinkler but ending with a strong accent.
[[Cassiur]] Finch song Purple Finch [[?]]
but given more rapidly & unpredicably
irridenscent warbler [[?]] rapid hurried
trill tsee-ee-er-er-er tsee-ee-ee-er-er-er
blank line
D gracious tsu tsu tsu chip chip
chip chip
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
June 9 1918
-Rocky Mountain [[Hairy]]
-wood [[P]]
-Chestnut backed Bluebird
-[[?]] [[image]]male symbol [[strikethrough]][[?]] 9:30a
-Sitta pygmaea [[image]]male symbol [[strikethrough]] 1078 9:30a.
[[checkmark]] [[?]]
[[checkmark]]Dendroica graciae [[image]]female symbol [[strikethrough]][[?]] 9:45
[checkmark][[?]] Finch [[image]]female symbol ]]strikethrough]]1068 [[?]]
[[checkmark]] Orange crowned warbler
[[checkmark]] Black headed grosbeak