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Albuquerque, N. M. 6/23/18 [[checkmark]] Wood Par[[?]]en [[male symbol]] 10:30A 10:45 [[line]] 108.8 [[female symbol]] 110.4 [[checkmark]] Hammonds Flycatcher [[checkmark]] Long tailed Chat [[checkmark]] Cassins Kingbird [[checkmark]] House Finch [[checkmark]] English Sparrow [[checkmark]] Black headed grosbeak [[checkmark]] Yellow Warbler [[checkmark]] Barn Swallow [[checkmark]] Cliff Summer Tanager Spotted Sandpiper Killdeer Night hawk Robin Mourning Dove Red-winged Bluebird Bre[[?]]i[[?]] " [[ditto for: Bluebird]] Meadowlark hark Sparrow Blue grosbeak 25 28 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 6 [[end page]] [[start page]] Rerum[[guess]] Medicanum Nova Hispaniae Thesaurus se[[?]] Plantar[[?]] Animation Minerali[[?]] Mexicano[[?]] Historia ix Francisci Hernandez. 1651. Icturia virous longicguda Inside of mouth dull red, from blood, became paler immediately at death. Tongue same color with tip and posterior points paler, margin of bill all around whitish as that there is a prominent white line encircling open mouth. C. M. Smalling Gallup Bank. Piper goes to Black Lakes in Marino Valley July 15 Wrote him at Raton if can make trip. Ligon may be able to go to Big Lake Arizona. Marshes below La Jara. A. M. Crimwell, Nacs