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July 2
Picoides a dorsalis [[female symbol]] 8:30   11:30
Clarks Crow 1:15a

17 Wn [[Western]] Woodpecker Pajarito N.m, June 23 1918

No shore cover for nesting birds
lake beds have black alluvial soil to depth of 18 in to 4 feet below that is sand

Lake South Black Lake 1/2 Mile long 1/8 Mile wide.  Considerable Sc[[??]] aquatic vegetation as in Black Lake.  Very little [[??]] water.  Coots 10 pair  Eard Graber 20 pairs
No ducks.

To-teh-Khah - Black Lake
Be-e-Kit hun-yez- Seven d camp
su' hah esse Just
sa'hah esse

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