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July 7 Williams Ariz
[[checkmark]] Plumbeous Vireo
[[checkmark]] House wren
[[checkmark]] Wn Wood Pewee
[[checkmark]] Long-crested Jay.
[[checkmark]] Ant-eating Woodpicker
[[checkmark]] Robin
[[checkmark]] English sparrow
[[checkmark]] Chipping Sparrow
[[checkmark]] Black-headed Grosbeak
[[checkmark]] Flicker

[[checkmark]] [[Prpalo?]]
[[checkmark]] Mtn Chickadee
[[checkmark]] Pygmy Nuthatch
[[checkmark]] Purple Martin
[[checkmark]] Audubon's Warbler
[[checkmark]] Mtn Blubird
[[checkmark]] Wn Tanager
[[checkmark]] Rock wren
[[checkmark]] Junco dorsalis [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] 109.7 [[/strikethrough]] 9:00 a
[[checkmark]] Mourning Dove
[[checkmark]] Virginia Warbler [[female symbol]]  [[strikethrough]] 106.5 [[/strikethrough]] 10:00 a.
[[checkmark]] Olive-sided Flycatcher.
[[checkmark]] Black-throated gray warbler

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Sitta c. nelsoni.  Notes are slurred and not as clear [[underlined]] [[but?]] [[/underlined]] as [[eastern form?]]  1
Wn Tanager  Wrenlike  pr~r-rat  pr-r~rit pr-r-rit

Zamelodia melan. whites [[down?]] open mouth outlined in yellow

[[Tscaup?]] [[Caltrops?]]
Chuckling scolding [[note?]]
tsee tsee harsh [[sturdy?]] yg
July 8, Williams
Canyon Wren juv. [[strikethrough]] 104.2 [[/strikethrough]] 105.5 [[underlined]] 3:30 P. [[/underlined]]
Grace's Warbler [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 4:15 P. 109.5 [[male symbol]] 107.6 [[/strikethrough]]

July 9
Piranga hepatica [[male symbol]] 8:30 p. [[strikethrough]] 109.0 [[/strikethrough]]

July 10
[[Melanopis?]] f. aculeata [[female symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 7:45 P. 104.6 [[/strikethrough]]

July 11
Piranga ludoviciana [[male symbol]] ad 7:00 P. 108.3 [[?]]
Pipilo maculatus [[female symbol]] ad 7:00 P. [[strikethrough]] 108.6 [[/strikethrough]]
Piranga hepatica [[female symbol]] 8:30 P. [[strikethrough]] 110.0 [[male symbol]] 109.2 [[/strikethrough]] [[chewp?]]
July 13
Selasphorus rufus 8:45 p. [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 101.8 102.6 [[/strikethrough]]