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Glenville 7/31/18
cats at [[Sunol?]]

Gallus 8-9 days old
7 grains in crop
3 whole ones hulls of perhaps 10 more in Ventriculus. Bird picked up in spasm. Heart in systole. No lesions present.

[[female symbol]] in [[Cilcthis?]] 52 grains
[[male symbol]] in " [[ditto for [[Cilcthis?]] ]] [[image - L-shape]] 4 R.6
[[male symbol]] in " [[ditto for [[Cilcthis?]] ]] [[image - L-shape]] 6+ [[?]] R.17
Zenaidura [[male symbol]] ad
28 grains in crop
1 + about 5 ground up in ventriculus
blood-stained exudate from mouth.
gas in crop. liver dark. heart systole
Carotid arteries 2. both entering median canal. jugulars much distended
[[Biceps slips?]] present. large.
Tensor [[?]] [[?]] tendon strong
single spreading out to attach in thin [[?]] in [[?]] arm
oil gland present under
wing diastataxic.
gall bladder present
hemmorage in [[diplon?]] on right side

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Yellow Warbler
Black Phoebe
Wn Wood Pewee
Wn Flycatcher
Ash-throated Flycatcher 6:00p [[strikethrough]] 109.2 [[/strikethrough]]
Calif Jay
Calif Woodpecker
House Finch
English Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Black-headed grosbeak
Cliff Swallow
Wn Bluebird

Work.  7/31
Get in touch immediately with Rice growers Assn. at Sacramento

Transcription Notes:
Wn likely abbreviation for "Western" Calif likely abbreviation for "California"