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Glenville 8/5/18
Dryobates nuttalli [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] 10:00 A 108.1 [[/strikethrough]]
Pipilo crissalis [[strikethrough]] 10:30 A. [[108.0?]] [[/strikethrough]]
Dryobates p. turali [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 1015 A. [[?]] [[male symbol]] 5:00 P. 108.0 [[/strikethrough]]
Zamelodia melanocephala [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 4:15 P. 108.9 [[female symbol]] 4:45 P. 108.4 [[male symbol]] 5:15 108.2 [[/strikethrough]]

Piranga ludoviciana [[strikethrough]] [[male symbol]] 4:30 P [[103.7?]] [[/strikethrough]]
Carpodacus m frontalis [[male symbol]] 4:30 P 109.4 [[male symbol]] 4:45 109.3 [[male symbol]] 4:45 P 109.0 [[male symbol]] 4:45 109.0 [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] 5:00 P 108.6 5:00 P 109.2 [[female symbol]] 5:15 P 109.0 [[female symbol]] 5:45 P. 109.0 [[/strikethrough]]

Empidonax [[strikethrough]] 5:15 P. 109.4 [[/strikethrough]]
Icterus bullocki [[female symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 5:30 P 107.8 [[/strikethrough]]

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Glenville 8/6/18
Zenaidura m. marginella [[strikethrough]] [[male symbol]] 6:00 A.M. [[108.6?]], [[male symbol]] 109.4 [[/strikethrough]]
Sitta c. aculeata [[male symbol]] 8:30 A [[strikethrough]] 106.8 [[/strikethrough]]
Archilochus alexandri [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 9:45 A 103.6 [[/strikethrough]]
Dryobates nuttalli [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 11:00 A 108.0 [[/strikethrough]]
Lophortyx c. vallicola [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] 11:00 A. 107.9 [[/strikethrough]]
[[?]] [[buckeyi?]] [[female symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 12:30 P. 103.6 [[/strikethrough]]
Zenaidura [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 6:00 P. 109.8 [[male symbol]] 6:00 P. 109.3 [[male symbol]] 6:00 P. 110.4 [[/strikethrough]]