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Maxwell 8/20 [[end page]] [[start page]] Dermitt & Hagun 2 fields beginning to [[?]] 500 Sprig in open field, others coming in. Large [[?]] in boot Spaulding Ranch E. Behr A.E. Bungey. Freman Ernest Behr Ranch. No duck damage at present. Claims considerable loss last year. damage comes from width of Sept. [[?]]. Bombs quite successful in scaring birds not more so than shotgun. [[?]] seems to be that there are too many ducks or that they should be thinned out. Would open a [[?]] no blackbirds J.V. Biard- Princeton Project 1500 acres rice. Will be cutting Sept 20. $16000 damage last year. Birds noisy now in lower part of land. about 400 sprigs dropped in. No appreciable harm at present.
Transcription Notes:
Sprig is a name for a pintail duck