Viewing page 71 of 114

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Film 11
1 Hordeum jubatum                    6/08
2 Atriplex                           " [[ditto for: 6/08]]
3 "                                  " [[dittos for: Atriplex  6/08]]
4 "                                  " [[dittos for: Atriplex  6/08]]
5 "                                  " [[dittos for: Atriplex  6/08]]
6 Sage Salt Grass, round [[tules?]]  " [[ditto for: 6/08]]
Film 12
1 Mallard nesting site
2 Mallard egg
3 Young Pied bill
4 " [[ditto for: Young Pied bill]]
5 " [[ditto for: Young Pied bill]]
6 " [[ditto for: Young Pied bill]]
Film 13
1 Yg Pied bill
2 " [[ditto for: Young Pied bill]]
3 " [[ditto for: Young Pied bill]]
4 " [[ditto for: Young Pied bill]]
5 " [[ditto for: Young Pied bill]]
6 Polygonum
For Econ. Ornith
[[checkmark]] Can stomachs
[[checkmark]] Can alc. misc.
[[checkmark]] Can alc birds
[[checkmark]] Water sample
Film 14
1 blank
2 Cottonwoods                              6/19
3 "                                        " [[dittos for: Cottonwoods 6/19]]
4 Spring                                   " [[ditto for: 6/19]]
5 Red Lake                                 6/26
6 " [[ditto for: Red Lake]] Baigaichi Peak " [[ditto for: 6/26]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Potatoes             25 lbs       1.00
Flour                10 lbs        .90
Oatmeal               1 pkg        .45
bacon                 8 lbs       4.30
lard                  3 lbs       1.00
sugar                 5 lbs         45
coffee                1 lbs         45
milk                  1 doz. small  90
baking powder           can         55
rice                  1 lb          20
pepper                  can         15
salt                  1 sk         .10
cornmeal              8 lbs        .75
pancake flour         2 pkg.        30
corn                  4             80
tomatoes              4             80
peaches               6           1.50
peas                  2             40
beans pinto           2 lbs         25
butter                2 lbs       1.00
syrup                 can           65
soap                  2 [[?]]       25
" [[ditto for: soap]] 3 laundry     25
nails mixed           1 lb              60
matches                             15
apples                1 lb.         25
prunes                1 lb          20
chili                 1/2 lb        30
[[crax?]]             2 pkg.        60
bread                 6             60
ketchup                             40