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Sacramento [[underlined]] Outing Club [[/underlined]] 10/13/18

[[checkmark]] White fronted Goose
[[checkmark]] Pied-billed Grebe
[[checkmark]] Eared Grebe
[[checkmark]] Wn Grebe
[[checkmark]] Ring-billed Gull
[[checkmark]] Cormorant
[[checkmark]] Pelican
[[checkmark]] Canvasback
[[checkmark]] Scaup
[[checkmark]] Ruddy
[[checkmark]] Gadwall
[[checkmark]] Wigeon
[[checkmark]] Mallard
[[checkmark]] Pintail
[[checkmark]] Cinnamon Teal
[[checkmark]] Green-winged " [[Ditto for: Teal]]
[[checkmark]] Spoonbill
[[checkmark]] Snow Goose
[[checkmark]] Cackling Goose
[[checkmark]] Sandhill Crane
[[checkmark]] Coot
[[checkmark]] Greater Yellowlegs
[[checkmark]] Killdeer
[[checkmark]] Buzzard
[[checkmark]] Crow
[[checkmark]] Audubons Warbler
[[checkmark]] Song Sparrow
[[checkmark]] Savanna Sp.
[[checkmark]] Tricolored Blackbird
[[checkmark]] Meadowlark
[[checkmark]] Marsh Wren
[[checkmark]] Great Blue Heron
[[checkmark]] Tree Swallow
[[checkmark]] Barn " [[Ditto for: Swallow]]
[[checkmark]] House Finch
[[checkmark]] Willow Goldfinch

Transcription Notes:
Wn Grebe probably means Western Grebe.