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Klamath Falls Oregon 10/20/18
[[checkmark]] Regulus satrapa [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 9:15 107.3 [[/strikethrough]]
[[checkmark]] [[?]] h. pacificus [[strikethrough]] 10:00 107.3 [[/strikethrough]]
[[checkmark]] Sphyrapicus thyroideus [[female symbol]] 10:30 [[strikethrough]] 107.3 [[/strikethrough]]
Cedar Waxwing
[[checkmark]] Magpie
[[checkmark]] Golden-crowned Sparrow
[[checkmark]] [[Intermediate?]] " [[ditto for: Sparrow]]
[[checkmark]] Chestnut-backed [[Bluebird?]]
[[checkmark]] Wn Robin
[[checkmark]] Mtn Chickadee
[[checkmark]] Ruby-crowned kinglet
[[checkmark]] Flicker                                  [[checkmark]] Pintail
[[checkmark]] Red-tailed Hawk                          [[checkmark]] White fronted goose
[[checkmark]] Red-breasted Nuthatch                    [[checkmark]] Snow Goose
[[checkmark]] Slender billed " [[ditto for: Nuthatch]] [[checkmark]] Tule Wren
[[checkmark]] Creeper                                  [[checkmark]] Brewers Sparrow
[[checkmark]] Meadowlark                               [[checkmark]] Song " [[ditto for: Sparrow]]
[[checkmark]] Redwing                                  [[checkmark]] Marsh Hawk
[[checkmark]] Brewers Blackbird                        [[checkmark]] Solitaire
[[checkmark]] Pipit
[[checkmark]] Kingfisher
Forster Tern
[[checkmark]] Ring billed Gull
[[checkmark]] Coot
[[checkmark]] Spoonbill
[[checkmark]] Green winged Teal