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[[preprinted]] Chama, N. M., [[/preprinted]] July 12 [[preprinted]] 191 [[/preprinted]] 8

Mr. Alexander Wetmore,
Williams Arizona,

Dear sir.,

Find inclosed check which I had Jimm Barnett indorse, I just run across him today.

Mr. Cal. McFadden gave me this letter and told me to have [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] the check indorsed and sent back to you, as he is in Pagosa Springs Colo. taking bathes for the rhumatism But he is getting along fine. 

Hoping that you receive check O.K. and buy the way, he was kind of nearvous when he indorsed check.

Very truly yours
L. R. Gochnauer

Transcription Notes:
Williams, Arizona: Assume says Williams, although it's unusual handwriting. That location was named in the commissioning letter. Agree that it is Williams, Arizona. - @raferrante