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33. [[underline]] Myiochanes richardsoni richardsoni [[/underline]] (Swainson)

Western Wood Peewee.

This flycatcher was fairly common among aspens in the Chusca Mountains from June 29 to July 3. One was seen near Crystal on June 27.

34. [[underline]] Empidonax difficilis difficilis. [[/underline]] Baird.

Western Flycatcher.

This flycatcher was observed first on the summit of the Chusca mountains on June 29 and on the following day specimens were collected. The birds were fairly common in aspen groves but were retiring and difficult to observe. The complete song of the males resembled the syllables [[underline]] swee-ee swee-ee chick tr-r-r-r-r- [[/underline]] given rather slowly. The ordinary call note is swee-ee. (Specimen)

35. [[underline]] Ctecaris alpestris. [[/underline]]

Horned Lark.

Horned Larks were farrly common the open flats at the base of the Chusca Mountains. Young just from the nest were observed south of the Sonssla Buttes on June 27.

36. [[underline]] Cyanccitta stelleri diademata [[/underline]] (Bonaparte)

Long-crested Jay.

These jays were common in the forested areas on the summit of the Chusca Mountains. Individuals were observed frequently about my camps and many were encountered in passing through the aspen groves. On June 30 by squeaking for a few minutes in one grove I called fifteen or twenty who perched above my head boldly, scolding, and peering down at me.