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44. [[underlined]] Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis [[/underlined]] (Say.)

House Finch.

Several were seen at Red Lake on June 26 and 27 and others were observed at Crystal on July 3 and 4. One was found near the Haystacks, a peculiar formation in sandstone rock on the New Mexican line east of Fort Defiance, Arizona, on July 4.

45. [[underlined]] Loxia curvirostra [[/underlined]]


Several were observed in the Chusca Mountains at 9000 feet on June 29 and others were seen on July 3. On the latter date a few were found at a lower altitude in Cottonwood Pass.

46. [[underlined]] Spinus pinus pinus [[/underlined]] (Wilson)

Pine Siskin.

The Pine Siskin was seen daily among the Yellow Pines in the Chusca Mountains but was far from common. One was found at Crystal on July 4.

47. [[underlined]] Pooecetes graminens confinis [[/underlined]] Baird.

Western Vesper Sparrow.

This finch was fairly common in the open country at the base of the Chusca Mountains and came up as far as the open area at Crystal where individuals were observed on June 28 and July 3.

48. [[underlined]] Chondestes grammacus strigatus [[/underlined]] (Swainson)

Western Lark Sparrow.

A few were seen below Red Lake on June 26.