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49. [[underlined]] Spizella passerina arizonae [[/underlined]] Coues.

Western Chipping Sparrow.

This bird was seen among pinyons near Red Lake on June 27 and July 4 and others were found at Crystal on July 4. In the Chusca Mountains they were fairly common between 8800 and 9000 feet.

50. [[underlined]] Spizella breweri [[/underlined]] Cassin.

Brewers Sparrow.

The Brewers Sparrow was found at Red Lake June 27 and was noted below Crystal on July 4.

51. [[underlined]] Junco dorsalis [[/underlined]] (Henry)

Red-backed Junco.

The Red-backed Junco was common in the Quaking aspen groves on the summit of the Chusca Mountains and ranged down in the heads of the canyons along the rim of the higher mesa. The song of the males was the customary Junco trill and the callnotes resembled those of others of the genus that are more widely spread and better known. A nest found on June 30 was placed in a little hollow under a small bush onthe side of a gully and was not concealed at all as I saw the eggs immediately when the female was flushed. This nest was a well formed cup of fine grasses and weed stems, lined softly with horse and cow hair. It contained four eggs, dead white in color, well speckled with light reddish brown. These birds were all nesting at this time and scolded me constantly as I passes through their haunts. (Specimens)

52. [[underlined]] Pipilo maculatus [[/underlined]]

Mountain Towhee.

These birds were found in Cottonwood Pass and near Crystal on June