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28 and July 3.

53. [[underline]] Zamelodia melanoaphala [[/underline]] (Swainson)

Black-headed Grosbeck.

Single birds were found in aspen groves in the Chusca mountains on June 28 and 29. One was singing in Cottonwood Pass on July 3.

54. [[underline]] Piranga ludoviciana [[/underline]] (Wilson)

Western Tanager.

One was found on June 29 at 9000 feet in the Chusca Mountains and another on July 2. One was seen in Cottonwood Pass on July 3.

55. [[underline]] Petrochelidon lunifrona lunifrona [[/underline]] (Say.)

Cliff Swallow.

Several were seen at Red Lake at the base of the Chusca Mountains on June 27.

56. [[underline]] Tachycincta thalassina lepida [[/underline]] Means.

Northern Violey-green Swallow.

This swallow was fairly common in theYellow Pines on the Chusca Mountains and was seen daily. At Crystal on the morning of June 28 these swallows were abroad earlier than any other birds and were calling and flying as soon as there was a hint of light in the east.

57. [[underline]] Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides [[/underline]] (Swainson)

White-rumpedd Shrike.

One was observed near the southern base of the Chusca mountains near the Haystacks on June 26.