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58. Vireosylva gill swainsoni

Western Warbling Vireo.

This Vireo was fairly common among the groves of Quaking aspens in the Chusca Mountains at an altitude of 9000feet. Males were singing on July3.

59. [[underline]] Lanivireo solitarius plumbeus [[/underline]] Coues.

Plumbeous Vireo.

One was seen on July 2 on the summit of the Chusca Mountains. Another was singing in the Pinyons near Red Lake on July 4.

60. [[underline]] Dendroica auduboni [[/underline]] (Townsend)

Audubon's Warbler.

This Warbler was common among the Yellow Pines on the mess of the Chusca Mountains. The males were singing constantly at this season and were found usually in the tops of the tallest trees where they moved about in a slow and leisurely manner. Rains did not seem to daunt them as they continued to sing through the drizzling downpours that came during the afternoons, thoggh other birds became silent. On July 2 I came across a party of males working actively through the aspens south of Be-e-khet-hum-nez. These birds apparently were through breeding for this season.

61. [[underline]] Oroscoptes montanus [[/underline]] (Townsend)

Sage Thrasher.

One was seen below the Sonsala Buttes west of Crystal on June 27.

62. [[underline]] Mimus polyglottos leucopterus [[/underline]] (Vigors)

Western Mocking-bird.

A male was singing at Crystal on the morning of July 4.