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63. [[underline]] Salpinctes obsoletus obseletus [[/underline]] (Say.)

Rock Wren.

A Rock Wren was observed at Red Lake on June 27. On the summit of the Chusca Mountains on was seen July 2 singing from the topmost limb of a tall dead yellow pine. One was observed near the Haystacks on July 4.

64. [[underline]] Catherpes mexicanus conspersus [[/underline]] Ridgway.

Canyon Wren.

One was found near the Haystacks at the southern base of the Chusca Mountains on July 4.

65. [[underline]] Troglodytes aedon parkmani [[/underline]] (Audubon)

Western House Wren.

This Wren was fairly common among Quaking Aspens on the summit of the Chusca Mountains.

66. [[underline]] Certhia familiaris montana [[/underline]] Ridgway.

Rocky Mountain Creeper.

On June 30 one was seen in the head of the canyon below [[underline]] Tai-'hah-esse. [[/underline]]

67. [[underline]] Sitta carolinensis nelsoni [[/underline]] Ridgway.

Rocky MountainNuthatch.

This Nuthatch was fairly common in the Chusca Mountains. A few were seen at Crystal on June 27.

68. [[underline]] Sitta canadensis [[/underline]] Linnaeus.

Red-breasted Nuthatch.

Several were seen in the canyon below Tsa-'hah-esse on June 30. The Birds were calling steadily.