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69. [[underline]] Sitta pygmaea pygmaea [[/underline]] Vigora.

Pygmy Nuthatch.

The Pygmy Nuthatch was fairly common among the Yellow Pines on the summit of the Chusca Mountains. One morning one aligghted on a stub within two feet of my head.

70. [[underline]] Penthestes gambeli gambeli [[/underline]] Ridgway.

Mountain chickadee.

Common in the Chusca Mountains. Adults were in such worn plumage that they were hardly recognizable in some cases. A brood of young just from the nest was seen in the pinyons on the Divide 20 miles northwest of Gallup, on June 26.

71. [[underline]] Hylocichla guttata auduboni. [[/underline]]

Audubon's Hermit Thrush.

The Hermit Thrush was fairly common in the Chusca mountains and was heard singing frequently in morning and evening. The birds were seen occasionally in the canyons.

72. [[underline]] Planesticus migratorius propinquus [[/underline]] Ridgway.

Western Robin.

The Robin was fairly common in the Chusca Mountains. A young bird just from the nest was seen July 1. Several adult Robins were observed near Crystal on June 27.

73. [[underline]] Sialia mexicanus bairdi [[/underline]] Ridgway.

Chestnut-backed Bluebird.

Fairly common on the summit of the Chusca Mountains. At Tsa'hah esse