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Form B1-120
March, 1918

United States Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Biological Survey
[[short line]]

Letter of Authorization

No. ^[[70-Bi]]
Washington, D. C., ^[[July 1, 1918.]]

Alex Wetmore,
Assistant Biologist.

Under authority contained in the Secretary's letter, No. 8 Sec., dated July 1, 1918, you are hereby authorized to incur such expenses as may be necessary, in strict accordance with law, the Fiscal Regulations of the Department, and the decisions of the Comptroller of the Treasury, for the purpose stated and during the period named below, not to exceed $^[[600.00]], to be paid from the  appropriation "General Expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, 1919," [[preprinted]](Food Habits of Birds and Mammals.)

To perform necessary travel, commencing July 1, 1918, in the States of New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, and Washington, for the purpose of securing information of the relations of birds to crops, and methods of controlling injurious species; and on the effect upon birds of poisoning campaigns against injurious mammals. You are further authorized to hire temporary assistants (subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission), and to pay for their transportation and subsistence while in a travel status; to hire special means of conveyance when necessary; to hire saddle horses and pack animals; to hire or purchase necessary camp equipment; to purchase field supplies and natural history specimens; to pay for necessary repairs to your own firearms, if damaged while being used officially, as a consideration frothier use; and to incur such other expenses as may be found necessary in carrying out this work.

Upon completion of this work you should return to Washington, D. C., your official station.

No expenses for freight charges to be incurred hereunder.
Your permanent headquarters will be ^[[Washington, D. C.]]

[[signed]] E. W. Nelson [[/signed]]
[[preprinted]]Chief of Bureau


A true copy:
W. Roy Dlllon
Chief Clerk and Executive Assistant.