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millions in his orchards and very quickly take a bite or two from each of the apricots on the trees as they ripened. They managed to save a part of the apricots, but a little later when the soft-shelled almonds began to ripen, they were destroyed before they were ready to harvest, resulting in total loss of that crop. This destruction to the almonds probably takes place during the month of October, whereas the apricots are injured somewhat earlier, probably in September.

After talking with your Mr. Taylor, I communicated these facts to Mr. Theodore Scheffer of Puyallup, Washington, and suggested that he take up with the department, some work along this line. It appears that the Station here has not done any work to help these people further than to send them suggestions regarding poisoning or shooting the crows.

I wish to thank you for the bulletin that you sent, relative to this pest and to assure you that if I can be of any assistance in the help you may be able to afford these people, I will be very glad to be called upon.

Yours very truly,

R. J. Barnett.

[[underlined]] A true copy. [[/underlined]]
