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San Francisco, Cal.,
May 27, 1918.

Mr. E. W. Nelson, 
Chief of Bureau,
Bureau of Biological Survey,
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

Your letter received asking us in regard to certain bombs which we have been using in frightening birds away from the rice fields.

We use what we call duck bombs. These sell for $5.00 per dozen, f. o. b. San Francisco.

We can refer you to the fish and game commission of California, headquarters at Sacremento, in regard to the satisfaction these bombs have been giving, as we received a letter a few days ago from Mr. Neale, in which he says "If rice growers knew and understood that these bombs are effective for which they are intended, they would purchase them in large quantities."

Hoping to receive your favors which will have our prompt attention, we remain, 

Very truly yours, 
R. E. Flack,
