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The pines to the east and southeast contain many song birds, while in the cliffs in the same place cliff swallows nest. Floating all through the deep water in the lake is little long moss leaves, green, about one quarter inch long. 

Timber growing near the lake: Cottonwood and willow on the shore not very much. Red cedar, cherry near lake, yellow pine (east side), blue spruce, fir (some high up in canyon heads), quaking asp (very little), pinyon (abundant), sunflower.

Area, when full (lacks at present about three feet, being up to  outlet) about four square miles. Shore line, about 12 miles. Depth, am told, 9 feet (deepest). Elevation, 7000 feet. 

Birds (estimated) July 20, 1913.

No.       Name                                 Number of Birds.
34        Eared grebe (2/3 nesting)            1000
36        Pied-billed grebe (all nesting)        50
36        Coot (all nesting)                   2000
44 & 47   Yellowhead blackbird (old and young) 1000
42        Red-wing (mostly nesting              100
   Total                                       4150
          Great blue herons                       3

41        Black-crowned Night Heron (many vacant nests in willows).    25

          Ducks (I judge one pair out of every 50 birds breeding. Perhaps all told 150 pair nesting (breeding)).
          total number of ducks                7500

          Yellowthroats and marsh wrens         200
                   Total number of birds      11878

In these numbers I include the isolated lake to the northeast of main