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[[underlined]]Report of the National Portrait Gallery Commission[[/underlined]]

The Commission met on January 22, 1980 and recommended two nominees for appointment to the Commission.

VOTED that the Board of Regents appoints to the Commission of the National Portrait Gallery the Honorable Robert B. Morgan for a full six-year term and Mr. Thomas Mellon Evans to fill the four years remaining in the unexpired term of John Nicholas Brown.

The Commission submitted its annual report of acquisitions, and it was 

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the actions of the National Portrait Gallery Commission at its meetings on April 25, 1979 and January 22, 1980.

The Secretary introduced the topic of the possible purchase of the Gilbert Stuart portraits of George and Martha Washington. Terms of sale proposed by the Boston Athenaeum and the Museum of Fine Arts were discussed by the Regents with guidance from the Commissioners of the National Portrait Gallery. It was agreed that any agreement should receive support from the concerned public officials in Massachusetts, that amounts paid by the Smithsonian and the Museum of Fine Arts should generally correspond to periods of time for each to have custody, that neither should sell the portraits to a third party, and that Executive Committee to approve modifications of terms within the general framework discussed, the Regents

VOTED that the Secretary is authorized to renew negotiations with the Boston Athenaeum concerning the Gilbert Stuart portraits of George and Martha Washington, with the following limitations: that the Smithsonian will pay no more than $3,000,000; that the Smithsonian will have the right to display the portraits no less that 60% of the time; and that complete responsibility and authority for the conservation and framing of the paintings, possible loans or sale to third parties, and similar questions will reside in perpetuity with the Smithsonian.

Subsequent to the meeting an agreement was negotiated along the following lines: Smithsonian to pay $2,750,000; Museum of Fine Arts to pay $2,125,000; Athenaeum to lower the price by $150,000, to a total of $4,875,000; Smithsonian and Museum of Fine Arts to be equal partners in ownership and to exhibit portraits for equal times, alternating every three years; Smithsonian, after consultation, to have the final authority and responsibility for conservation. The Chairman of the Executive Committee approved the proposed terms as appearing to conform with the Regents discussion and resolution.

[[underlined]] Report of the Board of Trustees, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden [/[underlined]]  

The annual list of the Board members and the acquisitions was received and requited no action by the Regents.