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originally set aside in the budget for future Quadrangle construction.* Finally, Congress appropriated $500,000 of the $4,000,000 equivalent requested in the Special Foreign Currency Program to establish a reserve for future funding of the American Institution of Indian Studies, in addition to $3,700,000 for the normal granting program.

The Institution has been allowed by the Office of Management and Budget to request an FY 1980 pay supplemental of $4,774,000 from Congress for the increased costs of salary and benefits resulting from the October pay raise. Action is still pending in OMB on the Institution's program supplemental request of $1,448,000, including $1,100,000 to cover the Institution's anticipated utilities deficit and $348,000 for STRI treaty-related requirements, primarily for personnel benefits and security (see status report "Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Treaty and Implementing Legislation"). 

--[[underlined]] Nonappropriated Trust Funds [[/underlined]]: The approved budget for FY 1980 is shown on Schedule C, with a revised projection on Schedule D. With only two months of actual operating results, no changes have been made in the estimates for Federal Agency Grants and Contracts, Special Purpose and Restricted Funds. In the Unrestricted Funds, however, the following revisions have been made, with the net budget effect noted:

-Division of Performing Arts - The approved budget was unduly optimistic with regard to the estimated expenses and personnel needed to develop programs and generate record sales. After considerable review, we now believe that DPA will produce net gain of $300,000, rather than the $697,000 budgeted. -$397,000
[[short line]]

*At the September Board meeting, the Regents approved reserving $1,250,000 of FY 1979 Trust Funds for the Quadrangle, in addition to the $135,000 approved that year for architectural planning and soil studies; this $1,250,000 is intended to be used for engineering, planning and design work in FY 1981, in association with federal funds to be sought for the same purpose. The Board also approved a reserve of $1.0 million from FY 1980 (and subsequent years) Trust Funds for Quadrangle construction; $500,000 of these latter funds will be used this year to sustain progress on the project.