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[[underline]] Report of the National Collection of Fine Arts Commission [[/underline]]

Mr. Blitzer introduced a report of the NCFA Commission for 1979, summarizing its membership, works of art acquired during the year, and an amendment of the Commission's Bylaws. The complete list of works of art acquired during the year was sent to the Regents in advance, along with related materials. Because of its bulk, that list is appended at the end of these minutes, Appendix A.

The Regents adopted the following resolution:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the actions of the National Collection of Fine Arts Commission at its meetings during calendar year 1979.

The Secretary and the Regents noted that the annual report of the NCFA, like the report of the National Portrait Gallery, comes to the Regents' attention due to specific requirements in the statutory provisions for those Smithsonian bureaux. It was agreed that an effort should be made to minimize the bulk of such reports. The Secretary offered to study the requirements to determine how the authority to receive these reports could be redelegated, and he will report on this matter at the September meeting.